Just one week ´till Christmas... year is nearly over... but at least I did something and finished the Revell Cromwell I reviewed a few days ago. But don´t get caught up talking, let´s get to the interesting part - the modelling! I started with a primed model consisting of turret- and hull-subcomponents. As shown in my Review , they were primed with grey Valleyo primer. As the base-coat was to consist of Ammo of Migs british 1944-45 Olive Drab, which itself is really dark, I didn´t do any preshading as the effect wouldn´t really be visible. The olive-drab coat was thinned around 50/50 with acrylic thinner and applied trough the airbrush. I lightened up the color a little bit and sprayed some highlights around exposed areas afterwad. The result of this step was nice and I went on to paint the major details as such as tracks and tool-handles. I used Vallejo ModelAir browns and white for the wooden parts and the tracks/roadwheels recieved a coat of Vallejo ModelColor dark gre...
The small blog for 1/72-scale modellers