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[Painting] Italeri Autoblinda AB 42 Gallery

It´s done! Yesterday I finished Italeri´s Autoblinda AB 41 which I presented here before and now I want to show you the painting progress as well as the final results.

The Painting:
The kit included several variants of the vehicle in German and Italian hands. I decided to represent a vehicle used in Tunisia in 1941. As I wanted to try some dessert effects (worn paint etc.) on it the low number of decals came in handy, because they would not ubscure the effects then.

I started spraying different mixtures of Vallejo Model Air Dunkelgelb and Model Air White to represent worn paint on the exposed areas and add a little shadow to those that are... well... darker (what shadows commonly are...).
I don´t know if this shade is completly correct (I think not 😐), but it looked well in this scale and came close to the original. Wheels and tools were sprayed seperately and then detailed using Vallejo Model Air Brown and Burnt Umber foor the tool handles and Humbrol Tire Black for the Tires. Humbrol Rust was used to paint the exhaust pipe.
The Jerrycans were later painted using Italeri Green and I´´m quite satisfied with the quality of these paints.
Using different shades of the base color created a nice level of depth, but I further picked out details and recesses using AK Interactive´s Black Paneliner after aplication of the (very nice) decals using Revell´s Decal Soft.
When working with Enamel washes and paints for weathering I usually have a suited thinner (AK White Spirit here) at hand to remove any excess using a moistened Brush. I also detailed the wheels with that technique.
Now I was able to begin the main weathering on the vehicle. First I used AK Interactive Dust and Dirt Deposit to create areas of cumulated dry sand on parts like the side fenders and on the wheels. Following that Ammo of Mig´s Engine Grime brought some more life to the rear deck and the jerrycans in the form of fuel stains. The final touch was added trough the application of AK Interactive Middle East Soil pigments, which gave the vehicle a dusty appereance as it could be expected in Tunisia´s desserts.
Every frequently used vehicle shows some scratches and chips. So I added them using Ammo of Mig Extreme Metal color. On the exhaust we can see some fresh pockets of rust added with the help of AK Interactive Medium Rust deposit.
The supplied jerrycans were added were I thought it looked cool and made some sense. In my opinion their green color adds a nice variety.

And now you can enjoy some pictures of the finished model.

What a pleasant build! I really enjoyed it and can only recommend the kit.

See you the next time,



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