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[Review] Modelcollect´s T-80UM1 "Bars" - Russia´s Snow Leopard in Braille Scale

You want something modern, that is badass but not an Abrams or a T-90? Export customers have been offered with an alternative for both in the early 2000s in form of the T-80UM1. This isn´t a really popular vehicle, so I was really pleased that we´re now able to build it in 1/72 scale from the kit I´ll review today. Let´s get started!

The vehicle:
While the T-72 series of tanks were (and still are) a huge sucess on the export-market, the most advanched tank the USSR fielded in larger numbers - the turbine-powered T-80 - wasn´t really used outside Russia. Engineers wanted to chage that in the 90s following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now they wanted to export their high-tech vehicle and maybe even secure contracts for modernisazions of Russia´s remaining vehicles. Their product - called the T-80UM1 - was based on the then most advanched T-80 models in use, namely the T-80U and T-80UK. Having taken a look at recent conflicts around the world, they added advanched features to make the tank more protected agianst ATGMs and ambushes. That came in form of the "Arena" Defense System giving the turret a rather unique look, reaktive armor and the Shotra-1 IR-Jammer. The gun recieved an upgrade to the new 2A46M-4 gun using common parts of the older 125mm guns, but improving accuracy at long ranges. They were proposals to change the 1250hp gas turbine to a heavy-duty engine with a 1400hp.
Sadly for the designers, the tank recieved no orders.

The original vehicle at an exhibition. (Personal Note: I´ve seen two paint scemes of the tank. One seems to have a dark grey instead of the red-brown...) Source:;tanks;exhibition/

The kit:
In its ever growing collection of T-series tanks, Modelcollect finaly releasedd the T-80UM1 together with some other T-80Us. I picked the kit up at the Intermodellbau Dortmund this year, but you can also get the kit at most modelling-stores having a Modelcollect stockpile.
As with most Modelcollect kits, it is based on their earlier T-80s, but has some new features on extra sprues as well as link and length type tracks instead of their older DS-style vinyl ones. Also included is a brass barrel as well as two sets of photoetch (one for the machinegun´s cover and one for general T-80U-series details).
In this build I will use the supplied plastic barrel, because it looks very nice and I want the brass one for my Revell T-90A.

The nicely designed box includes... well many plastic sprues. This is going to be fun.

Closer look at the turret-parts - the upper sprue is completely dedicated to the "Arena" suite.
Let´s assemble the turret then.

Our standard T-80 turret quickly becomes...
... a stronk vodka-fuelled space tenk turret 😝. Photoetch is quite fiddly... and there was a little error in the instructions regarding the "Relikt" ERA blocks.

Now onto the hull and the suspension. At least the wheels aren´t T-64-style self entranching devices...
That´s one nice little tank hull I´d say. Time to add the tracks and side-skirts.

Parts look nice so far... let´s attach them.
Am I the only one or does this look kinda spacey?

Ready for priming! Let´s see when I get that done. Hopefully soon.

No matter if you´re loooking for some German E-sereis tanks or just the (maybe not so) standard stronk Russian tenk, Modelcollect´s kits are definetly worth their price. The photoetched parts are fiddly as hell but look damn impressive on the model. Also the my spare box likes those kits and maybe I´m able to scratch an upgraded T-55AM6 sometimes? If you have experience with photoetch and small parts, the kit is an enjoyable challenge to build.

Rating: 8/10 - Be aware of instructions issues, but still highly recommended!

Next one should be painting shouldn´t it? See you then,



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